Matthew is a huge chunk of a cat, but is such a gentle giant. He loves to cuddle up in bed, be picked up and carried, and loves being stroked and groomed. Matthew would suit a home either as an indoor only kitty or with supervised access to an enclosed garden or on a harness. He is FIV+ which sounds scary but it really isn’t. CatChat has a great report all about FIV, so you can find all the information you need right here: http://www.catchat.org/fiv.html
Matthew is great with other cats and has good cat manners, so could live with a laid back cat, should your home have enough space for them to have their own ‘cat resources’ (such as litter tray, water bowl, and hiding spots), and could live with cat savvy children too. She is only approximately 2-5 years young. He does not like dogs.
Matthew really deserves a 5 star forever home. He finds himself under Goldie’s care after being trapped and neutered by another rescue, but once they found out his was FIV+ they suddenly were no longer able to care for him. Rather then he being PTS, we offered him a foster space. A healthy FIV positive cat can live for many years, and indeed can often outlive non-infected cats. FIV cats will need prompt veterinary assistance for even minor symptoms, due to their weakened immune system, but with good care, many FIV+ cats can live normal lifespans. These days, it’s not unusual to find FIV+ cats reaching 15 years or more.